>Terms & Condition

Terms & Conditions

Guidelines and Policies For UAE:


If there's one thing we truly love, it's sharing in all the great retail experiences you have. Bouquets when the food exceeds your expectations, brickbats when the service is shocking, chronicles of your shopping excursions – they all count.


While we welcome your opinions and descriptions of your experiences, there are a few things we expect from every satisfied user on Savyour. Your reviews and photos, as well as your profile and the comments you share, are all subject to content guidelines, our Code of Conduct.


If your activity on Savyour doesn't match up to these content guidelines, we reserve the right to take action as we deem necessary. This could include altering or deleting your reviews or comments, or deleting your Savyour accounts altogether, with or without notice. Savyour also utilizes an algorithm to aid in removing suspicious reviews. If you feel your review was deleted in error, email us at [email protected].


If you see content that does not align with these guidelines or our Terms of Service, please let us know. We will be highly grateful and consider all reports. However, due to the diversity of our community, it is possible that content disagreeable to you might not meet the criteria to be removed.


Keep it crisp: To make sure we collectively work towards building the highest quality content that's useful to everyone, reviews need to be a minimum of 10 characters long for reviews. That's just about the length of a tweet, so it's convenient even for all you micro-bloggers. If you cover the experience, service and ambiance, you shouldn't fall short on characters. If any review is filled with junk, we might have to remove the review altogether.


Keep it relevant: Please keep your contributions relevant to Savyour. Accounts placing irrelevant, inappropriate, or promotional content, that solicit customers, or that spam businesses, or are based on already disclaimed or informed policies and practices of a business, may be deleted without notice. If your review has been removed or moderated by us, and if you repost another experience for the same business, we reserve the right to remove that review too, even though such review might be in line with our content guidelines.


Keep it clean: Whether you're writing a small snippet or a delightfully detailed account of your experience, keep foul/abusive/hateful language, threats, and lewdness out of it. We, just like you, hate junk and will delete it whenever we see it. This also includes (but is not limited to) derogatory comments on someone's protected characteristics (e.g., race, gender, religion) or indication of a personal vendetta against a business and its associates.


Keep it fresh: Only one review per business can be submitted, and your most recent experience at a place counts. That's what is going to help people when they're trying to decide upon interacting with certain businesses or brands. You're free to edit and update your review based on subsequent visits at any time. Reviews about old experiences (more than 6 months old) will also be deleted from our platform.


Keep it real: Write your review based on facts and your own experiences (e.g., not a friend's or any hearsay experience, or based on media reports). Please don't exaggerate or falsify your experience. We do not take sides in cases of dispute, so make sure you can stand by your word. Content that indicates the reviewer hasn't visited or availed any services from the business will be removed. For example, "Never been here, never want to. Management is horrible and the service is worse!" Deceptive, fake, or misleading reviews will be removed. Reviewing a bunch of businesses in quick succession (even if you visit them often) is considered suspicious activity, and it's likely these reviews will be moderated. Accepting or soliciting a kickback – monetary or otherwise – in exchange for reviews or photographs is also not acceptable, and could result in removal of your profile.


Don't solicit: Identifying or promoting yourself as an official Savyour blogger, or using your status to solicit any kind of benefits (including, but not limited to, accepting money, free meals, drinks, etc.) in exchange for promotion, or at the threat of negative reviews on Savyour, will not be tolerated. If reports or evidence of such instances are brought to our attention, we reserve the right to delete your Savyour profile or take any other action that we may deem fit, no questions asked.


We hate fake orders: Our partners hate fake orders more than we do! To keep the Savyour community safe from any wrongdoings, we do everything we can to make sure that we never compromise on the quality of the orders our users place on our partners’ websites or apps. The trust our community has in us means everything to us. Placing fake orders, unnecessarily cancelling orders or returning orders from the doorstep are all wrongdoings that come at a heavy cost for all parties. While we understand there might be instances where our users are forced to cancel or return their orders owing to an appropriate reason, we must act to protect our partner brands. Therefore, if a user has 3 or more cancelled or returned orders in the past 30 days, Savyour will block that account, and all pending cashbacks and referral bonuses will be upheld, and the decision of the company in such cases will be final.


Order Cashback:

  1. Cashback is applied to the net total of your bill after deducting all applicable taxes, discounts, credits/wallets/balances, and delivery charges.
  2. Pending cashbacks are just the approximate calculation. Actual cashback will only be calculated according to the actual bill made and paid.



This policy document applies to the Savyour Referral Program which offers Savyour users a cash reward for referring the service to their family and/or friends through a unique referral code. The below terms administer the referral process involving the user who is the referrer and the individual who is referred to ensure that our referral policies are being strictly followed. The terms identify cases of violations or fraudulent activities so that subsequent actions can be taken.


1. General Guidelines

The Referral Program policy is a part of the agreement between Savyour and its users which they agreed to when they created an account with Savyour through our website, mobile app or any other channel. That agreement includes our Company’s Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy which our users are obliged to adhere to throughout the time that they use the service, and also while availing our Referral Program.


2. Referral Bonus Qualification Rules


User must be a citizen of Pakistan, currently residing in any part of the country.

User must be a person and not a business, legal entity or pet, or as deemed necessary or provided by Savyour.

Self-referral is completely prohibited. User account can be blocked and all applied cashbacks and referral bonuses can be removed from user’s wallet without any prior notification. Decision of Savyour in any such cases will be strictly final and cannot be challenged in any court of law.

User must be a new first-time member on the Savyour app or our website.

Referral will be valid only when availed through custom referral links or other methods supplied only by Savyour.

Referral will be valid only if both the referrer and referee agree to, and comply with, all our Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy. They must also fully consent to adhere to all applicable laws, rules and regulations pertaining to fair and legal use of our Referral Program.

Referral will be activated only once the referee has signed up on the app using the custom referral link shared by the referrer and made a first purchase of the prescribed qualifying amount (Rs.1,000 and above).

Savyour can change the bonus amount and minimum qualifying amount at any time and is not obliged to inform the user in advance.

The purchase must only and only be made from the referred user’s account. It will only be deemed valid when the product has been delivered and completed the number of refund eligibility days as per the policies of our respective partners.

One bank account/e-wallet can only be linked with two profiles and no more. If a bank account is identified as being linked with more than two profiles, this will be seen as fraudulent and subsequent action will be taken. Action may include holding wallet balance, subtracting balance from a wallet, or complete blockage of your account.

If a user is found involved in any fraudulent activity or trying to play with the system, Savyour has right to subtract, remove, hold or completely block the referee's main account as well as all the related fake accounts created by the main account. This will be considered as self-referral and is fully prohibited.


3. Referral Program Rewards

A user who makes a referral will only be eligible for a referral reward (any amount that Savyour decides) when the user receiving the referral link, signs up, AND makes a purchase of the value of Rs.1,000+ (any amount that Savyour decides) with the same account. Reward is applicable to any order that is completed first, which is more the minimum order value defined by Savyour at the time of your signup. The company reserves the right to change the reward amount anytime without issuing a prior notification to its users. Any pending bonuses before the change will be rewarded as per the old policy.

Referral bonus is not applicable to taxes and delivery charges paid. Referral reward is only applicable if the gross bill amount is equal to, or greater than, Savyour defined minimum order value. 


In case of pending bonuses, if received fraudulently or received as a result of prohibited activities that are considered against Savyour terms and qualification rules mentioned above, Savyour reserves the right to take subsequent actions. Such actions may include holding wallet balance, subtracting balance from a wallet, or complete blockage of the user account.


4. Referral Program Restrictions

The following is a non-exhaustive list of activities that are not permitted, and use of which both disqualifies and invalidates the referral reward, and will be flagged as fraudulent activity:


Referring to one’s self. Self-referral is strictly prohibited.

Using another Savyour account that is not yours to make a purchase to activate the referral.

Creation and use of fake accounts on Savyour to activate your referral link.

Use of bulk emails or any unsolicited communication that would qualify as “spam” to strangers to promote your referral link.

Use a paid/unpaid banner ad with our logo or mention any of our legal trademarks to promote your referral link.

Use paid advertising to generate traffic directly to your referral link.

Posting misleading information about the Referral Program while misrepresenting your relationship with Savyour or incorrectly referring to yourself as our official representative.

Using any content that is untrue or defamatory to the Savyour brand.

Generating multiple accounts using the same name, email address, or any other identification.

Generating multiple accounts, originating from the same IP address and discarding accounts after one-time use.

Any other restrictions added by Savyour seem feasible by Savyour from time to time.


5. Power Cashback

What is Power Cashback?

Power cashback means, the list of brands in this section have a unique property for users to earn bonus cashbacks if the product is bought from selected e-commerce stores.

Terms and Conditions:



  1. Power Cashbacks are on top of existing brand cashbacks and apply to particular category based cashbacks where applicable.
  2. Power Cashback percentages are mentioned against each available store and can change any time without notification.
  3. Power cashbacks will be released as soon as order cashback is released.

    Referral bonus, Visa bonus, spin the wheel or any other bonus will not apply to Power cashbacks.

  4. If the order is partially completed and partial cashback on brand is released but the selected product from power cashbacks is not delivered or cancelled due to any reason, only brand cashback will be released while pending power cashback will be declined or cancelled.


Savyour reserves the right to decline any cashback if user activity is found fraudulent.


6. Reservation of Rights 

It is fully at the discretion of Savyour and its parent Company to withhold, deny or invalidate any referral reward if a user is found guilty of exercising any of the impermissible activities as defined in our Referral Program Policy, Terms & Conditions, and Privacy Policy. The Company reserves the right to terminate a user’s account if it deems any activity as fraudulent, unethical, illegal, suspicious, or in violation of our referral policies. Decisions taken by the Company will be final.

Savyour reserves the right to take strict legal action against individuals who try to malign the Savyour brand name or blackmail on social media, Playstore comments, App store reviews or any social media platform including, but not limited to, bulk email, tweets, comments on social media, etc.

Any such action will be dealt with through applicable laws as per the constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, and related cybercrimes acts.

All users are free to email regarding any issue pertaining to any of our terms and policies on our dedicated email address at [email protected].


7. Referral Program Termination

The Company can choose to suspend the Referral Program, both temporarily and permanently, should it decide to do so at any time and for any reason, at its sole discretion.

The above policy was updated on April 01, 2021. For any change in policy henceforth, we shall inform our users via email.


8. Deleting your account

When you tap on “Delete my account”, you will be asked to confirm this action. The account deletion process will take around three days, after which the account will be permanently deleted. However, if you change your mind within 30 days and want to access your account again, you can simply log back in to restore it back to its current settings.


9. Visa 

Bank means any bank partner with VISA within Pakistan.

Card means the applicable Virtual or Physical VISA Debit / Credit Card issued by the bank to the Cardmember and includes supplementary and  replacement Cards.

Card Account means the Virtual or Physical VISA Credit/Debit Card account opened by the Bank for the purpose of entering debits incurred by or for the account of, and credits received by or for the Cardmember and Supplementary Cardmembers, if any, under these Terms and Conditions and includes, without limitation, all debits incurred resulting from any Cash Advances and/ or Charges and/ or Liabilities arising out of in connection with any Card Transaction or otherwise.

Cardmember means the original person excluding any Supplementary Cardmember who is issued a Card and for whom the Card Account is first opened by the Bank.

Card Transaction means any amount charged by the Bank or any Merchant for any goods, services, benefits, or reservation obtained by the use of the Card or the card numbers or the PIN or the TIN or in any other manner by the Cardmember and/ or Supplementary Cardmember, limited to online shopping, regardless of whether a sales or Cash Advance or other voucher or form is signed by the Cardmember

Merchant means any retail and service outlets that have entered into a written agreement to accept credit or debit cards in the payment of goods and services.

Rupee means Pakistani Rupee for the purpose of these Conditions of Use.

Bonus means extra benefit in terms of rupee to the Cardmember when he uses the card for online transaction at any Savyour partner who is part of VISA campaign and mentioned clearly inside Savyour app, web and browser extension


Terms of VISA Bonus Cashback

Bonus will be applied to orders with Cashbacks only.

Bonus amount will be percentage of total cashback earned by single transaction.

Percentage Bonus can be changed from time to time without prior information.

Bonus will only release at the time of actual Cashback release through Savyour app inside Savyour Wallet.

Bonus are calculated and disbursed by Savyour and Merchants have no say in it.

Bonus will not be released on orders whose Cashbacks are cancelled.

Bonus is not applied on Spin the Wheel winning.

Bonus is not applied on Referral Bonus.

Savyour is not responsible for any misuse of Cardholders card.

Savyour doesn’t save any sensitive cardholder information on its server neither have any access to any such information.

VISA partner brands can change without prior information.

Expiry date of campaign is applied on the date of order placement. Bonus disbursal can happen after VISA campaign ends.

VISA Bonus Cashbacks are only applicable to brands with clearly mentioning VISA bonus on their relevant pages.

VISA Bonus will not apply to any brand if the visa Bonus is not mentioned even if cardholder pays via VISA at the time of transaction.

VISA Bonus will not apply to any transaction where Cardholder is not redirected to Merchant through Savyour app / Web or Browser Extension.


 General Terms and Conditions


  1. Applies to completed genuine orders only.
  2. No minimum order value applies.
  3. Order should not cancel.
  4. Giveaway is run solely by savyour and Apple has no association with giveaways.
  5. Decision of Savyour at the end of campaign will be final.



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